Couponing for Beginners
During tough economic times, affording even the most basic necessities can be more difficult than usual. If you or someone you know is struggling, couponing might not be able to fix all of your problems, but finding ways to save can only help when you have to meet basic needs. Here are couponing tips for non-couponers.
Start Strategizing
If you’re new to couponing, part of the fun is strategizing. You could use a coupon to save on an item, or you could save more by waiting until the item is at its lowest price, or what’s referred to as its stock-up price. With this strategy, you can use a coupon to save big while purchasing enough to last until it’s on sale again. This is great for common household items like toilet paper, paper towels, and other toiletries.

Different types of Coupons
Before you head to the store, make sure you understand the different types of coupons. There are manufacturer coupons (like P&G coupons) and store coupons. In many cases you can combine these deals to get a better price for the item you’re purchasing. This is what is called “coupon stacking.” If you’re lucky, stores will let you combine both types of coupons, sale prices, and rewards points for an extra-low price.
Coupons are easily available to consumers. Insert coupons are the kind you’ll find in your mail or newspaper each week. If you don’t receive inserts, you can find many online at, or straight on websites for the stores where you shop, like Walgreens and CVS, and other drug stores. For app-savvy customers, many store apps provide coupons or rewards at the point of purchase, whether it be in-store or online.
Buying Online
Speaking of buying online, when you make purchases, there are ways to apply coupon codes to ensure that you’re paying the best price. With web browsers like Google Chrome, Safari and FireFox, extensions like Honey and Wikibuy will help you save by automatically applying coupon codes, or informing you what websites have better deals for the item you’re purchasing. There are plenty more tools to help you save, and if you’re a first-time customer on a new site, you may be able to take advantage of exclusive offers.

Plan Ahead and Save
Whether you’re saving through difficult financial times, or just love shopping, there are always options to save on the everyday necessities or on something new and unique. Couponing is a hobby shared by millions of people. Plan ahead, save big, and maybe have some fun while you’re at it.
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